Retards mentaux liés au chromosome X.
Grâce à des efforts concertés
entre cliniciens, généticiens et
biologistes, les bases génétiques
et moléculaires des retards
mentaux liés au chromosome X
commencent à être élucidées.
Outre les retombées et les
perspectives médico-sociales,
ces progrès très significatifs
offrent la possibilité d’étudier
les bases cellulaires de certaines
formes de retards mentaux non
spécifiques et de les
conceptualiser. En effet, sur la
base des données actuelles, il est
raisonnable de penser que les
déficits cognitifs associés aux
dysfonctionnements de certains
gènes seraient dus à des
perturbations de l’organisation du
cytosquelette cellulaire. En effet,
le rôle crucial du cytosquelette
dans la croissance des neurites
ainsi que dans la plasticité
synaptique et neuronale est
devenu une donnée
incontestable. Alhough the genetic causes of X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) are heterogenous and complex, recent concerted efforts between physicians and biologists allowed to overcome major difficulties in the identification of a number of genes involved in these diseases. Over the past two years, significant progress was made in the understanding of the molecular basis underlying both XLMR, which can be distinguished by specific phenotypic or genenetic markers ('syndromal' forms of XLMR), and MRX, or nonspecific (or idiopathic) mental retardation. Major breakthroughs include the discovery that the genes responsible for these conditions encode proteins involved in signaling pathways regulating cytoskeleton organization, synaptic vesicular transport, and maybe other cellular functions. These data also suggest a provocative picture in which MRX can be regarded as disorders resulting from defects in genes required for processes such as the remodeling, establishment, stabilization of connections between neuronal cells. Such processes are crucial for the development of intellectual and cognitive functions. As these functions evolve mainly in post-natal stages through contact with various types of stimulus and environments, a potential therapeutic approach could be based on the development of drugs that target cellular signaling pathways shown to be implicated in MRX. [References: 37]
Pour citer ce document
Chelly, J, Retards mentaux liés au chromosome X., Med Sci (Paris), 2000, Vol. 16, N° 3; p.363-72