Que sont ces enfants devenus ? Les enfants des procréations médicalement assistées.
Raoul-Duval, A.
Bertrand-Servais, M.
Letur-Konirsch, H.
Frydman, R.
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The psychological attitude of 33 IVF children was studied from birth up to the third year and was compared to that of two other groups : chidren born without assisted reproductive technology (ART) but with medical treatment, and children born naturally with no trouble whatsoever. Sixteen children, born by oocyte gift, were also studied by the same methodology. The development of all the children is satisfactory, and the relationship with their mother is excellent. We are allowed to conclude that the method of ART had no ill influence on the psychological development of these children.
Pour citer ce document
Raoul-Duval, A. ; Bertrand-Servais, M. ; Letur-Konirsch, H. ; Frydman, R., Que sont ces enfants devenus ? Les enfants des procréations médicalement assistées., Med Sci (Paris), 1993, Vol. 9, N° 6-7; p.747-751