Chroniques génomiques - Une thérapie très attendue… et un prix exorbitant !
After many years of development, a gene therapy for haemophilia B has demonstrated effectiveness and durability, at least over a time span of three years. It has just been approved (as Hemgenix®) by the FDA in the USA and by the EMA in the EU. However, the multimillion price tag of this treatment is a serious problem for healthcare systems and for patients, and raises a number of thorny issues about marketing practices of the pharmaceutical industry.
Pour citer ce document
Jordan, Bertrand ; Une thérapie très attendue… et un prix exorbitant ! : Chroniques génomiques, Med Sci (Paris), Vol. 39, N° 2 ; p. 187-190 ; DOI : 10.1051/medsci/2023003